Saturday 18 June 2011


I woke up this morning remembering a dream I had, it was still fresh in my mind so I decided to write it because it answered a few questions I had.

Boomerang Nebula

Let's start by saying that a friend of mine emailed me yesterday asking me what I thought of Quantum Jumping. 
To make my extensive reply to him short here, I said: YES, I believe it is possible. 
I looked it up on the internet and I found the Creator of Quantum Jumping, his name is

 Burt Goldman. I will share what he says on his website about Quantum Jumping ( a bit further on but let me share my dream first. 

I don't know if the fact that I was thinking of this when I went to bed last night triggered the knowledge I received or if it was just perfect timing but the fact is that I woke up very happy with the idea.

In my dream I could see a rounded universe and a mirrored universe underneath. Like a light and a dark one kind of duality, in the way we imagine our universe and a black hole one. 

I don't know if the fact that I was thinking of this when I went to bed last night triggered the knowledge I received or if it was just perfect timing but the fact is that I woke up very happy with the idea.
In my dream I could see a rounded universe and a mirrored universe underneath. Like a light and a dark one kind of duality, in the way we imagine our universe and a black hole one. 

I asked myself if this was how different universes behave because they were joint... it looked like a number 8 or the infinity symbol joint in a tiny area.

I looked up on the internet from the moment I woke up to see if NASA had something similar on their website.

What I found was a website from an amazing woman explaining something very similar to what I saw in my dream in a scientific way. Her name is Dr. Katya Walter and the website:

I will share what she says because my dream makes sense. Dr. Katya Walter wrote "The theory of physics that you'll see here requires a really big gulp… even all the way to metaphysics. It describes a new mathematical way to look at the shape of our fractal universe and our own place in it. 

I looked Gravity up on the internet since 8 am this morning ND I found no mention about this only the usual stuff we all learned at school. Dr. Walter puts it very well here 

"that at first physicists just shrugged and said, Okay, that’s how gravity works. Monopole. Action at a distance. Later they dug deeper and worked to unify gravitation with the other three forces into a TOE…a Theory of Everything. They suggested a hypothetical particle must carry it...the graviton. 

Yet no graviton has showed up yet.

Scientists took many approaches to gravitation and eventually developed many versions of string theory, M-theory, loop quantum gravity. Some of the most promising even combine various aspects of each other!

Swimming in this seething broth of creative speculation, physicists try to find a TOE to pull together quantum mechanics, general relativity, gravitons,  the four forces, the particle zoo, and even the geometry of spacetime into such unity that it pours forth the Holy Grail of physics."

The realisations and conclusions below resonate with truth. I share the same feeling and couldn't have said it in a better way. Dr. Walter said:

"In this modern scientific age, wouldn’t it be odd to discover that the only way to unify gravitation with the other three forces of physics would turn out to require also reuniting mind with matter, even body with soul?

Wouldn’t it be a seismic jolt to realize that gravitation can only be explained by a viewpoint that stretches wide enough to include the evolving great mind within a living universal body?

Wouldn’t it be stunning to realize that your own personal mind is a facet of this universal mind, just as your body is a holographic fragment of its universal body?

Wouldn’t it be silly to find that so many ancient cultures have known about this supreme harmony already that it’s even called the perennial philosophy?

Wouldn’t it be even more absurd to discover that a rural tribe in China living thousands of years ago has handed down to us a shorthand describing the key dynamics of this universal mind and body? That it succinctly encodes the warp of spacetime and the vibration of superstrings?

And to top it all off, wouldn’t it be humbling to realize that this ancient math uses a notation that’s far quicker, cleaner, denser, and fuller than our newest geometries and topologies of M-theory can devise?"

Isn't it wonderful?

I looked into Lorenz Oscillator because the shape I saw in my dream looked pretty much like that in the photos I looked up.

Edward Lorenz and Max Planck with Albert Einstein


Dr. Walter explains a  Double Bubble Universe

"The fractal origin of our universe builds a double bubble shape of giant conjoined twins. In its giant Lorenz Oscillator (named after Edward Norton Lorenz, The Father of Chaos Theory, is a fractal structure corresponding to the long-term behaviour of the Lorenz Oscillator), a strange attractor shape employs a fractal master code in the primal causative event prior to the creation of the four great primal - space, time, matter, & energy. "

Nebula (Fermi Bubbles) - NASA photos

"Regard the twins of the double bubble universe." 

 In the upper domain it is contained the visible light with it's 4 dimensions: three space dimensions (depth, height and width) and one dimension of time. All this above the Planck(German physicist and one of the founding fathers of Quantum Theory, Max Planck) level," we have familiar 3D space, 1D time, matter, and energy. But there is a strange, complementary domain below the Planck level. Its hidden reversing mirror image holds 3D time, 1D space, antimatter, and tachyonic energy."

"Yes, the everyday world that we know has only 4 dimensions of familiar £D Space & 1D Time. We call it spacetime. the physics signature of its spacetime trident has three times of space and a handle of time. But the mirror domain below the Planck level has a timespace trident has 3 dimensions of time & 1 dimension of space. This reversing-mirror reciprocity can be explained by mathematics & the inversion laws of physics."

"Between the two domains at the Planck level is an interface. In this interface are found many tiny loops of uniquely warped 2D x 2D spacetime oscillate as they carry beats of graviton data. This tiny interface at the Planck level combines a Mobius band and a Lorenz attractor-or mactor."

"But that other bubble below the Planck level?—its three ODEs build 3D time, while its 1D space is the other half of that needle axis. This turns our universe into a giant Lorenz attractor caught in an oscillating Klein bottle. It contains the hologram of emergent ongoing reality.
All this gives our Double Bubble TOE what appears to be a total of 8 dimensions so far.
right at the Planck level is the interface between these conjoined twin domains. Its multitudinous tiny doorways open at every particle/wave. Each doorway holds a strange warped knot of dimensionality - i.e., of Mobic 2D space and 2D time. Its cycling combines properties of the Mobius loop and the Lorenz attractor, so I call it the mactor. Each tiny constantly-reorienting loop on its infinite path emits the graininess of quanta. Its constant oscillating dynamic knits the two giant domains together."
"This makes what would seem to be 12 dimensions. But no, there are only 11! 
Seen together, it all reduces down to the 11 dimensions of the double bubble universe. This setup provides the 11 dimensions demanded by most superstring theories. But look, these dimensions are not just theoretical variables added to unify forces in Kaluza-Klein style. They are three cooperating subsets, and each set contains both space and time!
below the Planck level, the lower domain holds the larger mind of the universe within its 3D time & 1D space - or timespace. Our mini-minds above the Planck level communicate with it sometimes."

"Awake, we know only the domain above the Planck level. We can tap into messages from this strange realm beyond the ego's our dreams, for instance. In dreams, meditation, remote viewing, channeling, and other altered states, we can tap into the domain below the Planck level, where giant universal mind resides. It is sometimes called tapping into the Akashic record, the collective unconscious, or the Oversoul. It also stores the resonances of what are sometimes known as archetypes, spiritual teachers, ascended masters, and so on."

"The tachyonic cloudbank of this huge mind stores fractal patterning. That data bank contains our universe's past, present, and speculations on its potential future. It stores patterns of the universe's great physical body, but also of all mind itself, including ours. It holds the individual patterns of our own psyches and interacts with us to update us, body and mind.
Our mini-minds travel within this larger cloudbank of stored data sometimes, mostly during sleep or other altered states of consciousness. The ancients called this ability to tap into awareness beyond time, space, or the grave an evidence of the "soul."
 In the lower domain, our psyche—the Greek word for "soul"—can live on after physical death in our material body. As "souls" we exist in fractal patterns within that vast tachyonic cloudbank below the Planck level in universal mind itself. 
Often our tiny soul patterns within the universal mind return again into physical form. This creates yet another iteration cycle of a mini-mind in a physical body. Why? It puts mind back into matter to temper that soul even more. The ancients called these cycling fractal iterations of soul by the term of"reincarnations. The great unified mind of the lower domain uses its massive exploration of mind embodied in matter in the upper domain to to facilitate communication between the two domains, and to expand the total scope of awareness itself within the whole universe." 

I found this extremely interesting and would be looking into her work and try to read everything she wrote.
After finding her website I wrote to her and shared my dream and views on this extraordinary idea.

Hope you have found it fun! Now I will copy what 

Burt Goldman discovered:

When science fiction becomes science: QUANTUM JUMPING 

You will find this idea on his websiteOn

Since the 1920’s, quantum physicists have been trying to make sense of an uncomfortable and startling fact—that an infinite number of alternate universes exist.
Leading scientists like Stephen HawkingMichio Kaku and Neil Turok, all of whom are responsible for life-changing breakthroughs in the field of quantum physics, have all suggested the existence of multiple universes.
This jaw-dropping discovery was first made when, trying to pinpoint the exact location of an atomic particle, physicists found it was virtually impossible. It had no single location. In other words, atomic particles have the ability to simultaneously exist in more than one place at a time.The only explanation for this is that particles don’t only exist in our universe—They can spark into existence in an infinite number of parallel universes as well. And although these particles come to being and change in synchronicity, they are all slightly different.

In these alternate universes, alternate versions of YOU are living out their lives.

And with an infinite number of them, it means that anything that can happen, does happen—in another universe. 
So how do parallel universes come to be? How, if you are born in this universe, are there now an infinite number of dimensions where you exist simultaneously? The theory is simple:

Every decision you make in life causes a “split” in reality…

Which in turn creates two alternate universes—one where the current version of you is today, and another with the version of you who made a different choice. Now think about your life.
Think about all the decisions you’ve made that led to who you are today. If all these decisions caused a split in your reality, each time creating a new version of yourself in a parallel universe who also goes on to make a certain set of choices thereby splitting their reality, you can begin to imagine the infinite versions of yourself that exist.

The bubble universe theory
Now imagine what you could accomplish if you could somehow tap into these alternate universes to meet and learn from these alternate versions of yourself. Imagine the wisdom you’d learn. The opportunities you’d recognize, the skills you’d acquire, and the pitfalls you’d know to avoid.
By meeting these alternate selves, you’d essentially be tapping into an endless universal sea of knowledge and experience.

Quantum Jumping is a visualisation process where you use your mind to ‘jump’ into parallel dimensions, and gain creativity, knowledge, wisdom, skills and inspiration from alternate versions of yourself.

Dr Fred Alan WolfThe answer is that all physical matter is the result of particles vibrating at a certain frequency. A frequency that if you alter, change or amplify in any way, you change your physical and current reality.
We all know from physics class that if you increase the vibrational frequency of water particles through heat energy, you create steam and if you slow them down by removing heat energy, you create ice. And just like heat, our thoughts too are energy.
“There are probably other parallel universes in our living room–this is modern physics.”

Dr. Michio Kaku
“There are vibrations of many different universes right here, right now. We’re just not in tune with them. There are probably other parallel universes in our living room–this is modern physics. This is the modern interpretation of quantum theory, that many worlds represents reality.”
~ Dr. Michio Kaku, Theoretical Physicist, Professor and Best-selling Author

“An infinite number of parallel realities exist..”

Burt Goldman
“Hundreds of thousands of radio, TV and cell phone waves are being broadcast. You know this to be a fact as you use these them when you use your radio, TV, or cellphone, you just need the correct frequency. Similarly, there is an infinite number of parallel universes coexisting with us in the same room, but you cannot tune into them unless you are on the same frequency. And Quantum Jumping allows you to open the same frequency.”
~ Burt Goldman, Quantum Jumping Creator

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